Flying the Coop from Cocaine
In the final phase of cocaine intoxication, when suicide is likely, the victim cannot save himself by an effort of will. He has lost the power. – John Carroll O’Connor…
Business Networking: Don't leave it for another day
Many a weird thought have taken the form of radical outcomes all throughout, so why fall back when something as crucial as business networking demands a better approach? It is…
Natural Conflicts with Chemicals
Ayurveda says natural cures are mere supports to strengthen further your body’s own capabilities while allopathic remedies comprise ingredients that fight themselves to ward the symptoms off. This has proved…
Natural Conflicts with Chemicals
Ayurveda says natural cures are mere supports to strengthen further your body’s own capabilities while allopathic remedies comprise ingredients that fight themselves to ward the symptoms off. This has proved…
Confessions of a (couple of) Meat Eaters
We are meat eaters by choice. Ever since I remember, I had, have and probably, may continue to enjoy a liking for it. It applies equally to a preference for…
Function of the Liver in detoxification: Ways to boost the process (part 2)
The herbs themselves function as the liver while allowing it to rest and repair itself, resulting in a stronger physiology and boosted psychological functions.
Function of the Liver in detoxification: Ways to boost the process (part I)
Studies prove accumulation of synthetic chemicals and heavy metals starts taking place way before a human is born, at its embryo stage. The correct terminology for this phenomenon is chemical…
Drug and Alcohol Addiction: The Two Main Reasons triggering a relapse
Unless cravings are dealt with proper measures and the residues are gotten rid of, a de-tox program is of little use.
Alternate Fuels and North America
Global warming is on a rise; so what are North Americans doing about it?
Ayurveda and Age-reversal A myth or a dilemma?
An alternative to chemically synthesized age-reversing products.