New Age :: The Age when everything becomes unified
In the New Age we break free of centuries of false doctrines, destructive indoctrinations, absurd ideas, and children’s stories about God, education, medicine, and love. The corrupt foundations of false society crumble. This time of crises is not the signal of the end of the world. What comes is not the end, but the beginning. The dream humanity has lived for centuries ends and we awaken to a bright new day, a bright new way.
Now in the Age of Aquarius, everything becomes unified.
All our differences, all our dualities mix together like the fragrances of a flower shop, with all of the different flowers adding their bouquet to the overall mix until they are inseparable.
Each individual flower remains distinct and individual, each one’s fragrance is unique and discernible when you come up close to it, yet joined together in unity with the others in the wonderful mixture that is the smell of the shop.
Our individual worth comes from inside, from what we have inside, through our development, our evolution, and what we can give to society. Now our drastic differences dissolve and we integrate into the whole. We integrate and unify with the energy of the universe, with the great cosmic spirit.
Mystically, Aquarius signifies friendship.
- Friendship bursts upon us in its most elevated sense, in its most noble aspect — with understanding, collaboration, and fraternity.
- Love and friendship will have nothing to do with possessing or ego.
- The idea of love meaning “you belong to me” ends in the New Age.
- The thought of friends of convenience, friendship based on an ulterior motive such as business ends.
- Love and friendship based on anything other than pure love, the divine and pure love of God, changes the sentiment into a coin of exchange — you no longer have love or friendship because of who you are, but because of what you do or can do for me.
- This is the era of peace, of unity, of love. The polarity of Aquarius, Leo, floods us with its complementary characteristics.
- The celestial throne of the Sun, Leo, encourages, ennobles, enriches, and enlightens us for the growth of our hearts, the growth of our inner beings.
- Together with Aquarius, Leo promotes the integration of our individuality with our unity with all humanity. We realize that we must first be something in and of ourselves to be something for others.
- Under their combined influence, friendship with an agenda disappears into true fraternity, into pure unity.
Then we can prepare ourselves for unity with the universal spirit…. In the Age of Aquarius, we break from the past to invent the future we desire in our society and in our person. The answers we find will be wholly new ones, totally original ones, but they require a thorough examination of what has been and what we wish to come. All our institutions as we know them must adapt to this new reality.
This Golden Age is destined to synthesize all religious regimes and free the minds of ignorance and delusion forever.
Once enlightened, each human being will begin his or her individual journey within, and strive to become the new race of super conscious humans awakening seekers of Truth and the eternal Spirit, healing peoples of many tongues and nations in the process.
In this new millennium there will be no more falsehoods or derision, but spiritual living and third-eye vision. The Human Family is truly entering the Age of mystic revelations and the mind’s true liberation which is broadly known as spiritualism or New Millennium Religion.
But before that a word of caution about present pulse of the New Age:
The Reality and the Fakery
What is good about the New Age
“The “New Age” is actually a synthesis of many different beliefs and currents of thought, the emphasis being on a rejection of the limitations of reductionist materialism and an emphasis on the way that one can alter one’s personal reality through the application of belief, visualisation, and positive affirmation.
In a sense it is a spiritual awakening, an activation of the “Theosphere”, an integration of holistic healing, alternative spirituality, esotericism, environmental sensitivity, alternative life-styles, awareness of other dimensions of existence, and attunement to the cosmos.
What is bad about the New Age (and how to avoid the pitfalls)
Unfortunately, as with all such movements, the New Age has fallen prey to all manner of fakes and charlatans and rip-off merchants. These can fortunately be avoided by a simple rule of thumb. i.e.: if anyone asks you for money before giving you a mantra, cleansing your aura, raising your vibration, awakening your kundalini, taking you on a vision quest, initiating you into hermetics, or anything else, they are a fake and to be avoided like the plague….
Note regarding clairvoyants:
There are many psychics and clairvoyants who ask for money for aura readings etc. Although this may seem like a fair service, remember that these people are psychics, they are not spiritual. They have an awakening into the etheric and astral (lower psychic) planes. They do not necessarily (or even) have a spiritual awakening.
This is a simple fact: a true spiritual teacher never asks for money.
Once you have this simple fact at hand, you may explore the weird and wonderful world of the New Age (or what insignificant amount there is of left of it once the profit-mongers and greed merchants are eliminated) at your leisure!
What else is bad about the New Age
Another problem that characterises the New Age is an absolute lack of critical thinking.
People will believe all sorts of nonsense, and are very susceptible to negative suggestions from formations in the lower astral plane.
A good example of this is the incredible popularity of the belief in catastrophic “earth changes.” This has absolutely no basis in fact, and there will be a lot a red faces when the millennium rolls around and California and Japan and where-ever else hasn’t sunk beneath the waves, the earth hasn’t tilted on it’s axis, people’s DNA hasn’t been miraculously transformed, etc etc
Of course, all the people who propound these prophecies will have explanations – e.g. it really did happen, but on the subtle level. Or mankind has been granted a period of grace. Or the spiritual powers changed their minds.
The best attitude that can be taken is to integrate New Age and scientific thinking, in order to get the best from both, and avoid falling into the pitfalls that comes from one-sided allegiance to either extreme.