Ancient Indian Health Tips Translated from Sanskrit: A Must-Read Guide

Ancient Indian Health Tips Translated from Sanskrit: A Must-Read Guide Our ancient scriptures are a treasure trove of wisdom, offering timeless insights into leading a healthy and balanced life. Today,…

On Human Evolution: The Seven Life-Force Energy Centers

The Seven Life-Force Energy Centers That Takes Us To The Next Level Of Human Evolution Life-Force Energy Centers or “Chakra” is a Sanskrit word literally meaning “wheel.”  These centers were named as…

ALKALINE DIET – Eliminate Fatigue and Regain Your Energy

Why go for Alkaline Diet? According to World Health Organization (WHO), health is the state of well-being-  physically, mentally, emotionally,  socially & finally spiritually! This description considers the human health…

Eat healthy, Eat smart – A simple & cooling Cucumber Pineapple treat

Before gorging on food, know what it contains and how is it going to help your system! This bare minimum knowledge about food and its benefit can let you live…

Fast Food Centers can stay forever – just by selling health food.

How fast food centers can continue to flourish without any guilt? Fast food is already pretty much infamous. The sooner the Fast food center owners realize it, the better it…

Fire, Smoke & Barbecues from the Grills around the World

Meat and fire, when placed quite close to each other, are bound to head towards a combustion showering loads of surprising flavors and rich tastes that take you back to…

5 Foods That Can Help You Fight Aging

Only a time machine can bring back the exuberance of being 20 again! However, you still have no reason to feel all low and lost. There are some ways which…

Tandoori Chicken Is One Delicious Gift From The Clay Ovens Of India

Imagine a plate full of roasted chicken pieces prepared with spices and yogurt! Traditionally, these chicken pieces are first marinated with the ingredients, and then cooked inside a tandoor (clay…

Some Foods that would Help You to Fight Stress

Nobody enjoys being bogged down by stress throughout the day. Still, there are a number of commitments that we need to take care of in everyday life that take their…

How to Build a Home Bar

Building a home bar is a process that takes a lot of time and effort, but that is also incredibly enjoyable and fulfilling. It is one area where your creativity…