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Function of the Liver in detoxification: Ways to boost the process (part 2)

We know by now that the liver filters (or tries filtering) anything harmful present in the blood and also distributes nutrients, proteins and cholesterol to the other parts of the body. We shall now discuss about the remaining functions of the liver that are essential to living.

Oxygen-rich blood enters the liver through the hepatic artery (from the aorta, a major vessel in the heart) while blood containing digested food from the small intestine through the portal vein (vena portae). Both of these blood vessels further subdivide into capillaries inside the liver, each leading to a lobule. The liver tissue is a collection of a great number of these lobules; the lobules themselves are made of hepatic cells, the cells that are responsible for the liver’s own metabolism.

The liver breaks down fats, transforms glucose to glycogen, produces urea, manufactures certain amino acids, stores vitamins A, D, K and B12 and minerals and keeps the glucose levels balanced in the blood. It also produces cholesterol and meets 80% of what the body demands.

So once there are more toxins in your body (especially alcohol), the liver stresses more upon getting them out while putting less effort on other essential functions; as a result, it’s the entire system that suffers. This is where the herbs come in.

  • Himsra (Capparis spinosa): The Caper Bush, as known in English, it is the bark of the plant that’s used. It is bitter to taste and has diuretic properties. Thus, it is effective against spleen and renal infections apart from its power to deal with hepatic complaints like acute viral hepatitis and cirrhosis of liver.
  • Kasani (Cichorium intybus): Kasani, or Chickori is effective against all sorts of gastro-intestinal tract inflammations; thus, it also cures digestive problems. Kasani removes the obstructions of liver and gall bladder, is highly useful in treating jaundice and also has the power to treat all cases of poisoning, constipation, indigestion, diarrhea and dysentery.
  • Mandur bhasma: This is Ferric Oxide Calx, prepared by purifying oxidized iron rust. Apart from hepatic and splenetic disorders, Mandur Bhasma also cures diarrhea, chronic bowel complaints, dyspepsia and intestinal worms. An effective treatment against hemolytic jaundice.

Combined together with Kakamachi (Solanum nigrum) comprising Vitamin C, Beta Carotene and glyco-alkaloids as active ingredients, the above have been found to help liver restore its own health. The herbs themselves function as the liver while allowing it to rest and repair itself, resulting in a stronger physiology and boosted psychological functions.

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