Can meditation change your genes?? – YES, it can!
Can meditation change your genes?? – YES, it can! How many times have you heard people say, ‘Oh it’s in my genes. There is nothing I can do about it!’…
Create a manifestation mandala to bring your goals into reality – June-Elleni Laine
Create a manifestation mandala to bring your goals into reality – June-Elleni Laine June-Elleni Laine ( who writes for Spirit and Destiny shows how to create a manifestation mandala to bring…
Unlock the Healing Power of the Mandala – Evolve.
Unlock the Healing Power of the Mandala – Evolve. A Mandala represents wholeness, a cosmic diagram reminding us of our relation to infinity, extending beyond and within our bodies and minds. The…
On Human Evolution: The Seven Life-Force Energy Centers
The Seven Life-Force Energy Centers That Takes Us To The Next Level Of Human Evolution Life-Force Energy Centers or “Chakra” is a Sanskrit word literally meaning “wheel.” These centers were named as…
ALKALINE DIET – Eliminate Fatigue and Regain Your Energy
Why go for Alkaline Diet? According to World Health Organization (WHO), health is the state of well-being- physically, mentally, emotionally, socially & finally spiritually! This description considers the human health…
A Holistic Approach To Overcome Stress
How to overcome stress? Medical science has nothing to offer to combat the dreadful effects of stress except tranquilizers, habit forming toxic drugs, etc. Every and any event we face…
What happens when our dormant spiritual energy awakens?
Enlightenment! Alternatively we can ask: What Happens When The Kundalini Reaches The Sahasrara? When Kundalini reaches Sahasrara, the lotus petals open and enlightenment (samadhi) takes place. You may feel a…
The 3 Energy Channels or Pathways to Ascent
The 3 Energy Channels – Ida, Pingla & Sushumna The three Energy Pathways or channels that we possess at our subtle level are: Left Sympathetic Nervous System is called the Ida…
How Energy Centers and Glands Work Together
How Energy Centers or Chakras and Glands Work Together Disturbances in the subtle energy of the chakras translate into physical manifestation and symptoms who are likely associated with the corresponding…
The relation between Energy Centers & Endocrine System
The relation between Energy Centers & Endocrine System Commonly, each of the body’s basic seven chakras or energy centers is associated with specific locations on the body, such as the…