Create a manifestation mandala to bring your goals into reality – June-Elleni Laine

Create a manifestation mandala to bring your goals into reality – June-Elleni Laine

June-Elleni Laine ( who writes for Spirit and Destiny shows how to create a manifestation mandala to bring your goals into reality.  Find below point by point instructions for this creation:

1.  Have some coloured pastels or crayons ready (alternatively, sit comfortably and open Mandala Coloring App).  You might also want to play some relaxing music to set the tone.

2.  Set your intention, such as becoming more psychic or having a loving relationship with your partner.  Contemplate it for as long as is comfortable, considering how good you’ll feel when it happens.

3.  Once you’re settled in mind and body, focus on the colors you feel are helpful for your purpose, and get them ready.  Here is a reference chart –

RED for strength, high energy and passion
PINK for love, intuition and the feminine
ORANGE for creativity, transformation, self-awareness and intuition
YELLOW for learning, wisdom, laughter and happiness
GREEN for physical healing, psychic ability, love of nature and caring
BLUE for emotional healding, inner peace and meditation
PURPLE for all things spiritual for spiritual focus
BLACK for mystery, deep thinking and individuality

4.  Focus on your intention as you begin to draw.  It might help to repeat the words that express your intention as you do so.

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5.  Let the drawing flow as it connects you to the creative source, as though it has a life of its own.  You may feel inspired to use certain shapes, words or symbols as the basis for your manifestation mandala, or just let it evolve.

6.  Continue to draw, focusing only on your intention and how you’ll feel as you ultimately achieve your goal.  Stop drawing if you become distracted by other thoughts or you notice the energy falling away.  Give yourself a moment and take a few deep, relaxing breaths.  When the energy connection returns, continue drawing.

7.  Mandalas should be allowed to emerge effortlessly, with enjoyment and creativity.  Leave any judgement to one side and let your mandala develop, however long it takes.

8.  Look at the mandala and feel its energy.  It will be alive with the intention you made at the start.  When you contemplate the drawing, you may notice elements  you didn’t see while creating it.  This confirms you were in right-brain, intuitive activity – always a good sign.  The meaning of these elements will come to you in time through contemplation, and offten in surprising ways.

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Download FREE Mandala Coloring App For Adults NOW

9.  Once you’ve created your mandala, put it somewhere you’ll see it every day – on the wall, or as a screen saver on your phone, computer or laptop – so that it can work its powerful magic on your life.

Read About June-Elleni Laine, a soul artist and clairvoyant for over 20 years, as well as teaching spirit connection to enhance creativity, well-being and lifestyle.

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