How to Market A Pest Control Business in The Modern World
If you have a pest control business, you might have to face challenges that ordinary business people don’t experience. That’s because your target market is a specific group like homemakers, homeowners, and office and building owners. However, your biggest strength is also the fact that you have a specific market because it will be easy for you to formulate advertisements for this group. Here are some tips on how to market your pest control business in today’s Information Age.
Begin Networking
Don’t wait till the last moment before you get to know everyone around you. As long as they have homes, get to know them. Better yet, get to know as many people as you can because non-customers can always recommend potential clients. Always make it a point that whoever you talk to will remember you. So bring your business cards with you all the time and make sure they don’t look too simple!
Get Your Business Online
Nowadays, almost everyone you know has access to the Internet, and even kids have their own phones and gadgets. If you want your business to reach new heights, invest in a website, and make sure you have an online presence in it. A website will always give your potential customers background on what’s up with your business. Get yourself a free website platform, but you can always pay someone to do it as long as the quality is above par. Also, get SEO writers to help you with your Google rank. Always check out local search results and see what your ranking is, and advise your SEO writer what to do.
Another thing is that if you have a website, you don’t only optimize its pages. You should make sure the opening page has great mass visual appeal. If you’re into pest control, be ready to post a lot of pictures of pests in the pages. In fact, even kids would be so happy to see your website and might also tell their moms to take a look at it. Check out this reliable Source for more information!
Use Social Media to Your Advantage
Take advantage of Facebook and Instagram as long as you can post free ads. Never think that Facebook is already passé because some things never go out of fashion. Create an online presence by posting regularly, or have paid advertisements for pop-ups and pinned posts. If you’re not hitting the housewives and homeowners with your Facebook ads, sure enough, you’re getting their kids’ attention. Also, make sure you have a separate online social media different from your website. Social media is where you let your potential clients interact with you and with each other.
Use Google Ads for Advertising
Google Adwords is an advertising platform operated by Google. In fact, Google Adwords is the largest online marketing platform of its kind in the world. You can use search ads to lead people to the search engine with a list of services that your business offers. Have targeted keywords or phrases such as “pest control service” or “pest control New York.” Seek help from SEO services in order to target search keywords.
Follow-up With Your Leads
It’s not enough that you have leads, but you respond to them after a week. Always keep in mind that you’re competing with the best companies. Thus, you have to be better, and you demonstrate that your company is not only professional and committed to customer service but also one of the best. Here’s a three-step process that we recommend you should take when doing a follow-up on your leads:
Get contact information from any new lead using a CRM
Give yourself a reminder like a Google alert if you have to follow-up with a client on a particular day.
Always end talks positively.
In case you’re not the pest control service that your client needs, then you should have something to offer them like a free evaluation of their home. If you’re the right company to do the job, then don’t forget to do your best and to make a difference so that they’ll remember you.
Leverage Existing Customers
In one recent survey, 39% of people trust the substance of online reviews. Thus, you should ask current customers to provide you with good reviews on your social media page and your website. You can even do a video of them while explaining how your services changed their homes and their lives. This is one excellent way of doing repeat business as well. When your old customers see how well you treat them, then they’ll really help you.
Update Your Online Marketing Materials for Pest Control
Today’s consumers are always looking for experiences that suit their own lifestyles. Thus, they engage with content tailored to meet their needs. That’s the beauty of personalized marketing in order to target appropriate customers strategically. Also, use SEO once more to improve your organic search ranking. Use the content in the form of infographics, or you use interactive content such as videos. Also, hire someone who knows how to update your website and pop-up content into something that suits the millennials and Gen Z market or anyone who makes decisions in their homes.
Have Off-Season Promotions
Offer a limited time offer on any of your services, or prepare a bundle of services for your current customers. Give discounts for any third or fourth consultation, and tell customers to tell others about this product. Offer to make some loyal customers the endorsers of some of your services and products for eliminating pests. Also, don’t forget to ask your clients or anyone for a referral. Here is one Source that you can use!
Marketing your pest control business is not only about using the right strategies to get the right people. It’s also about your knowledge. Thus, invest in your knowledge, skill, and your employees as well. Then, a dose of positive thinking will help you.