DECEMBER 2019 SUMMARY- The future age is feminine, kind, egalitarian, and deeply maternal.
December is a significant month of change and transition—the last month before the first exact Saturn-Pluto on January 12, 2020, beginning the new paradigm. With eclipse season beginning in the midst of a heavy Capricorn season and a Jupiter-Uranus trine, we are truly experiencing tension between the past and the future.
What are we ready to release so we can work together to build a kinder world?
What limiting self-concepts, oppressive circumstances, or habituations are we finally ready to liberate from?
The trick this month is to find steady ground and begin to build solid foundations, in our emotional and practical lives, so we have firm anchoring that allows us to open to the unknown.
Resistance to change will only lead to greater suffering.
It’s time to muster our tender warriorship—feeling our simultaneous courage, pragmatism, and heart as we get to work building a whole new paradigm. Those of us with an eye to the future, with revolutionary visions that we know could come true, will be leading the way from here out. Karmic reckonings will abound for those trying to continue with the old model of selfishness, narcissism, and the oppression of others.
The future age is feminine, kind, egalitarian, and deeply maternal. It’s now like a seed beneath the ground, vibrating—ready to spring to life.
Surrounded by snow and the stillness of animals entering hibernation, may we find the deep inner fortitude needed to make it through winter. May we see that working together with tenderhearted care is just as important for our survival as practical intelligence. In fact, blending the two is the key to establishing a more enlightened, feminine new age.
Jupiter moves into Capricorn on December 2, ending his yearlong journey through Sagittarius—his natural domicile. After exaggerating our ideologies and belief systems, expanding them under his magnifying lens, we are ready to move into more practical, somber energies—feeling the relief of Capricorn’s pragmatism and integrity.
Significantly, Jupiter moves into Capricorn at the start of the month, where he’ll stay for a year. Jupiter shines gold light and good fortune on the places we’ve been working so hard to change. In Capricorn, Jupiter will gift us tenacity and perseverance so we can keep taking one step at a time, dismantling the old paradigm in order to build a kinder, saner world.
A Solar Eclipse arrives on Christmas Day, presenting a powerful leap into the New Year and the next age of humanity. Truly, 2020 will be one of the most important years in astrological history. Until then, December is the last month of the year, decade, and current age. This is not the time to give up, but to prepare for what’s next—to let go of what we’ve outgrown and carry on. With dedication, innovation, and tenacity, we can see the horizon of limitless potential.
Read More – https://www.etherealculture.com/december2019