What you will need to stock a new kitchen when you move

What you will need to stock a new kitchen when you move

A new kitchen is something that makes your house a home and for that we need a lot of stuff like it can be groceries or appliances. Given below is the list of most important items that you will be require to make up your kitchen

  • Plan on more than one trip to the store.

Use this first trip to stock up on just the basics and get yourself set up for easy weeknight cooking. Because even if you leave with two carts full of groceries, there will be things you forget and things you didn’t realize you need. It’s inevitable.

  • Make a list of Your Grocery List for Stocking a New Kitchen

This list contains many of the basics that make for easy weeknight meals and daily necessities. The list is certainly varied and designed to jog your memory as your rebuild your pantry from scratch. Pick and choose as you desire, of course — if you already have flour, leave it off! If you never take cream in your coffee, then probably no need to buy it.

  • Setting a Budget for Kitchen Essentials

Wait, you may say $300 sounds like a lot of money! To most of us, $300 is not pocket change. It could represent half of your monthly rent, or the cost of your textbooks for a semester. But keep in mind you can easily spend nearly that much for a single set of cookware or knives and we’re not just outfitting you with a set of pans, but with everything you need to take an empty kitchen from useless to delicious.

  • Step stool

Whether you’re short or your new apartment cabinets are high, a step stool will be extremely valuable during the early phases of unpacking and is a must-have for your new kitchen. We recommend something light and easily portable so that it does not occupy much space and can be moved when not in use.

  • Tissues and scrubbers

Some may argue that tissues and scrubbers are one of the most important things you need for your new kitchen and it’s hard to disagree. Make sure you buy plenty of scrubbers to place in your new apartment kitchen as soon as move-in day begins as you will be needing to clean and scrub a lot before placing your utensils at their place and might also need to clean the stains on your kitchen tiles and chimneys.

  • First-aid kit

Unfortunately, accidents do happen when moving. Whether you trip down stairs and sprain an ankle, or cut a finger opening boxes, you’re going to want a first-aid kit in an easy-to-access spot on move-in day. Here are a few items to include:

  1. Ace bandages
  2. Anti-inflammatory such as Advil
  3. Band Aids and antibiotic ointment
  4. Gauze pads and antiseptic wipes
  5. Cold medicine and cough drops
  6. Cold pack and muscle pain relief ointment
  • Some disposables for the first few days

You could stick with paper plates and cups until you buy a full dish set, but it is recommended going ahead and purchasing a few of these items before you move in. Not That way, if it takes you a few weeks to pick out kitchenware you love, you’ll at least have the essentials on hand.

  1. Water glasses and mugs
  2. Plates, cereal bowl, and utensils
  3. Frying pan, pots, and cookie sheet
  4. Toaster, microwave, blender, or toaster oven
  5. Sandwich bags and one or two food storage containers
  6. Spatula and any other cooking utensil you think you’ll need
  • Miscellaneous kitchen items

Make sure you complete your kitchenware collection by marking these miscellaneous kitchen items off your first apartment checklist.

  1. Silverware organizer, dish drying rack, paper towel holder
  2. Plastic or glass food storage containers, sandwich bags
  3. Dish towels, oven mitts

Essential Cookware & Tools for a First Kitchen

  • Pots & Pans

We only included four pans on our list, and this may be controversial. Where’s the cast iron skillet? Where’s the bargain set of pots and nonstick frying pans? We skipped all of those for just two pots and two pans. So always learn to prioritize your purchase and try to minimize your expenditure on utensils.

  • Sauté Pan with a Lid

A deep sauté pan is the most multipurpose pan. It does everything a shallower frying pan can do, but it’s also deep enough for soups and sauces. It’s wide enough to cook pancakes or burgers. You can fry an egg and make a piece of toast. It’s deep enough to braise meat, steam vegetables, and simmer beans. It’s worth spending a modest amount on a solid, well-made pan, and this Cuisinart pick is by all accounts a bargain.

  • Knives

Knives are the most important tool in the cook’s arsenal! We stuck to the basics, here. No grater, zester, or peeler that’s what the paring knife is made for

  • Mixing Bowl

This big metal mixing bowls at least twice a day: to toss a lunch salad, to make biscuit dough, to whip up a cake, to marinate meat

  • Measuring Cups & Spoons

The most important thing that you will need to stock in a new kitchen to cook as well as to eat food are measuring cups and spoons. Also, lookout for ongoing kitchen offers on various online shopping stores before buying stuff from a new place.Buy them in plenty so that you do not run out of stock for them.


It is always a best option to make a checklist before time so that you do not have to run around at the last moment. Shifting to a new place requires a lot of hard work but it can always be tapered down when you are prepared with your lists and are all set with a vision in mind. Try to sort one room at a time and you will be blessed with a clean environment within a couple of days.




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