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Unearthing the Beauty Benefits of Neem


The leaves of Azadirachta Indica, popularly known as Neem, are highly antibacterial. Along with this property, neem leaves are also antiviral and antifungal. This is the reason why these leaves are considered to be the best remedy for skin problems. Let’s take a more detailed look into the benefits which neem leaves have on the…

Tips for Getting Great Looking and Healthy Bleached Hair

Platinum blonde, two tone hair or highlights, you can choose any of these bleached looks as all of them are in. But, it is important to take good care of bleached hair as the process of bleaching has damaging effect on hair shafts. Bleached hair demands extra care in comparison with that offered to normal…

Age Spots and Remedies

As you age dark spots appear on your skin; these are also known as age spots. Other than spots you may even find harmless bumps on your skin. Sometimes these bumps and age spots can turn out to be cancerous. These age spots are common and start to appear during the mid-fifties. These skin issues appear gradually and need proper attention. It’s best to consult a skin specialist to have these issues solved. As you age, your skin requires extra care and nutrition to stay firm and beautiful.

Skin Care for Winter- What’s the Perfect Moisturizer?

Most of the time we are unable to read ingredients imprinted on the packaging box of a hydrating lotion. However there is no optimum level to state the perfectness in the potency of a skin care product for winter issues, because skin types vary. While some may turn out to be too greasy triggering pimples and acne others might not be sufficient for hydrating the skin. There are some serious skin discomforts which you might incur during the winter months.

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