Dandruff Definition :
Dandruff is simply dead skin shedding from your head at a fast rate. Almost everyone has had dandruff at some point to one degree or another. People with a strong degree of dandruff will experience an itchy scalp.
What Causes Dandruff?
The following are items that may cause dandruff:
- Hormone imbalance.
- Excessive perspiration
- Allergic reactions
- Excessive stress
- Poor hygiene
- Poor nutrition/health
- Lack of sleep
- Inherited genetic trait
- Inadequate shampooing and rinsing of the hair.
- Tight fitting hats.
- Excessive use of hair styling products (gel, mouse, hair dye, hair curler…)
- Cold weather
- Dry environment.
- Excessive Heat
Even though dandruff is known as the drying of the scalp, it is most common in people with oily hair.
Dandruff Treatment
- Unfortunately there is no cure for dandruff yet (once you get it you may continue to have it), but there are ways that you can control and limit dandruff.
- If you have only a mild case of dandruff, shampooing your hair with a regular shampoo daily or twice a day will usually do the trick.
- Start out by trying a mild shampoo, stronger shampoos can irritate and dry out your hair making dandruff flaking worst.
- If your standard shampoo doesn’t get rid of your dandruff, buy an anti-dandruff shampoo and your dandruff condition should improve significantly in a couple of weeks.
- Picking the right shampoo for your hair can be a process of trial and error, try out different shampoos to see which one works best for you and also rotating shampoos periodically can be good for your hair.
- Once you have found an anti-dandruff shampoo that works for you, keep on using it or your dandruff will most likely reoccur.
- Lather and rinse twice when using anti-dandruff shampoos, the first time cycle will clean your scalp, the second cycle will medicate it.
Source.: www.haircareguide.com