The 3 Energy Channels or Pathways to Ascent
The 3 Energy Channels – Ida, Pingla & Sushumna The three Energy Pathways or channels that we possess at our subtle level are: Left Sympathetic Nervous System is called the Ida…
Yoga – The Mechanism of Epistemological Breakthrough
What does the term ‘Yoga’ actually mean? Yoga literally means “Union”. The Union referred to is between the conscious mind through the subtle mechanism placed in our bodies comprising energy…
How Energy Centers and Glands Work Together
How Energy Centers or Chakras and Glands Work Together Disturbances in the subtle energy of the chakras translate into physical manifestation and symptoms who are likely associated with the corresponding…
The relation between Energy Centers & Endocrine System
The relation between Energy Centers & Endocrine System Commonly, each of the body’s basic seven chakras or energy centers is associated with specific locations on the body, such as the…
Beautiful Melodies Can Heal All Maladies!
Beautiful Melodies Can Heal You Completely! It was discovered in ancient India that there are 7 basic musical notes, which were derived from sounds of nature or songs of various animals.…
The spiritual significance of the esoteric revelation – The Way, the Truth, and the Life – John 14:6.
The Way, the Truth, and the Life – John 14:6. Thomas said to Him, “Lord, we do not know where You are going, how do we know the way?” Jesus…
From amoeba to human beings. What next? Has evolution stopped?
From amoeba to human beings. What next? Has evolution stopped? In our evolution we have definitely come a long way. Starting from the amoeba stage to this current state is…
Sahaja Yoga – How to effectively spread spiritual knowledge in schools?
How to introduce Sahaja Yoga in schools? Let us discuss how we can effectively spread true spiritual knowledge especially in schools. Since I practice Sahaja Yoga (SY) and I am…
Introducing the 13th System – The Subtle System – Kundalini Energy
Introducing The 13th System also called The Subtle System – Kundalini Energy We have been introduced to various systems in our body since our childhood. Let us get a quick re-cap…
Personality Development – Where and how does it start?
Personality Development – Where to begin!? Hey Readers, before you start reading this article, I suggest that you read the first part of it here – Personality Development – Would…