Women’s health issues – PMS, Pregnancy, Infertility.
Women sometimes neglect their own health and focus instead on their partner’s and their children’s. The woman’s body is wonderfully complex and delicate. However, multiple roles as the mother, daughter,…
When to begin oral contraception
When can one go for oral contraception The first day of the menstrual bleeding is best Any of the first 7 days after her menstrual bleeding has already stopped, some…
Pros & Cons of Oral Contraceptives to Women’s health
Functioning of the Oral Contraceptives: -Stop ovulation (release of eggs from ovaries) -Also thicken cervical mucus, making it difficult for sperm to pass through. -They do not work by disrupting…
Two types of female oral contraceptive pill are widely available in health centers and public health departments: The combined oral contraceptive pill contains estrogen and a progestogen, and is taken…
Inflammatory diseases among women – Symptoms and Treatment
In recent years there have been numerous reports of inflammatory diseases in women using intrauterine devices. The risk of fallopian tubes inflammation is 4 times higher for them, this especially…
Women Sexual Health Problems – Inflammatory Diseases
Inflammatory diseases of female genital sphere constitute a huge percentage of gynecologic pathology (65%). In many countries the growth of inflammatory diseases is a consequence of population migration, urbanization, changing…