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Regathering of Jews back to Israel “will occur right before the return of the Messiah”

Coming of the Messiah continues to retain its hold on Jewish consciousness. “For thousands of years the Jewish people has longed for messianic deliverance; sustained by this belief the community has endured persecution and suffering, confident that they will ultimately be rescued from earthly travail. Yet with the rise of science and the growth of…

Transitional Times are known as Krita Yuga in the ancient Indian scrpitures The Puranas

Transitional Times are known as Krita Yuga in the ancient Indian scriptures The Puranas We are currently in what’s been called “transitional times” or the “end times”. These are the times in which we are experiencing the death of third-dimensional reality, while at the same time beginning to travel through new and unknown landscapes of the 4th…

Your All Round Personality Development – Is possible from scratch!

Your All Round Personality Development – Is possible from scratch!  Yes folks, what you just read in the topic is true! Whatever you are, whoever you are, whatever is your age –  18 or 80 plus – your personality can change in a jiffy – of course only if you are open to the change…

How to improve World Health?

How to improve World Health? The topic should be ideally – How to improve world health, wealth, vitality and well-being …plus much more!! (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); You must have read my previous write ups regarding the subtle energy centers (chakras or energy wheels) that we have in our system and the dormant spiritual…

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