A Short Biography – Govindappa Venkataswamy
Govindappa Venkataswamy (October 1, 1918 – July 7, 2006) was an Indian ophthalmologist. He was the founder of Aravind Eye Hospitals, which are one of the biggest network of ophthalmology hospitals in the world…
Protect Your Looks By Avoiding These Habits
Who doesn’t want to have an ageless, glowing skin? Men and women alike, it is very natural to have the urge of a skin which is free from dark circles,…
Surrey Hypnotherapy-simple and easy way to improve your health
Hypnotherapy is one of the most upcoming treatment choices amongst the Surrey people. They not only are now well versed with the benefits of hypnotherapy but are also using it…
The magic of Mojito
Historically speaking, this cool Cuban cocktail blends five magic ingredients in perfect balance to swoon us off our feet. The one who is yet to experience the magic of Mojito…
How to Be the Most Popular Blogger on the Block
Blogging has become a popular hobby, with countless people making it a full-time career. Today, there are about 68 million blogs hosted by WordPress and 120 million blogs hosted by Tumblr. And that’s only…
Swollen Gums – Signs, Symptoms And Dangers
Swollen gums occur mainly due to bacterial inflammation inside the mouth. Presence of a pre-existing disease might evoke similar response. These could be initial symptoms of more serious gum diseases…
Plan your Events using Promotional Calendars
In present day scenario, scheduling up the daily meetings and appointments are as important as any other things. HOwever, it’s not always possible to remember all the events including important…
How to Choose the Best Company for Hazardous Waste Disposal
Some companies produce hazardous waste that needs to be disposed of. There are strict rules and regulations for the disposal of this sort of waste materials, so that the process…
Games For Kids Which Can Grow Their Interest In Math
For most of us as kids, math lessons were those classes when we always used to feel too tired and sleepy. And even if we were not sleeping, teachers used…
Top 3 Tips: Eco-friendly Ways to Package a Parcel
Whilst there isn’t much you can do about the carbon footprint of the shipping industry, there are things that you can to do make your parcel more eco-friendly when sending…