The spiritual science behind the primordial sound of OM

The spiritual science behind the primordial sound of OM The sign of OM is the sign of Hinduism.  It is the first and foremost of all mantras. Mantra is the…


The PISCES Woman – How to recognize a Pisces Woman? Excerpts from Linda Goodman She’s every man’s grade school valentine! Even without astrology, rumors have spread about the charms of a…

The PISCES Man – February 20 to March 20

The PISCES Man – How to recognize a Pisces Man? Excerpts from Linda Goodman If you’re about to fall over the dam for a Neptunian, you should paste those lines on…

Fashion Magazine – Brutally Bitter Truth Revealed!

Fashion Magazine – Brutally Bitter Truth revealed! Fashion magazines can have a negative effect on women’s self esteem – research has shown that. All those slim models with perfect make-up…

Astrological Significance: Last Supper Zodiac Signs

Astrological Significance: Last Supper Zodiac Signs Last Supper on Da Vince’s Perspectives The Last Supper is an event related to the texts of the News Testament; that reports the last…

Fetal Alcohol Syndrome – Why are lower levels of drinking recommended for women than for men?

Why are lower levels of drinking recommended for women than for men? Among women who drink, 13 percent have more than seven drinks per week. For women, this level of…

“The Mystical Marriage” where Spirit and matter become ONE – PINEAL GLAND

“The Mystical Marriage” where Spirit and matter become ONE. The “All Seeing Eye” is the third eye or the spiritual eye. It is a gland located within the center of…

Create a manifestation mandala to bring your goals into reality – June-Elleni Laine

Create a manifestation mandala to bring your goals into reality – June-Elleni Laine June-Elleni Laine ( who writes for Spirit and Destiny shows how to create a manifestation mandala to bring…

Unlock the Healing Power of the Mandala – Evolve.

Unlock the Healing Power of the Mandala – Evolve. A Mandala represents wholeness, a cosmic diagram reminding us of our relation to infinity, extending beyond and within our bodies and minds. The…

Continental drift – Should it be reason for human rift?

Continental drift – Should it be reason for human rift? We all may have drifted apart physically – but if you notice, we (souls) have all come together through Internet…