Fetal Alcohol Syndrome – Why are lower levels of drinking recommended for women than for men?
Why are lower levels of drinking recommended for women than for men? Among women who drink, 13 percent have more than seven drinks per week. For women, this level of…
What happens when our dormant spiritual energy awakens?
Enlightenment! Alternatively we can ask: What Happens When The Kundalini Reaches The Sahasrara? When Kundalini reaches Sahasrara, the lotus petals open and enlightenment (samadhi) takes place. You may feel a…
The 3 Energy Channels or Pathways to Ascent
The 3 Energy Channels – Ida, Pingla & Sushumna The three Energy Pathways or channels that we possess at our subtle level are: Left Sympathetic Nervous System is called the Ida…
Beautiful Melodies Can Heal All Maladies!
Beautiful Melodies Can Heal You Completely! It was discovered in ancient India that there are 7 basic musical notes, which were derived from sounds of nature or songs of various animals.…
Adolescent substance abuse- Think twice before concluding
It’s important to find out your kid’s whereabouts especially when he/she has stepped onto adolescence. Today a large section of teenage population is undergoing challenges due to external as well…
FAQs on Alcohol Detox programs
If you are a drug addict, they require an alcohol detox treatment which implies that they will require detox. This is however not the case you are looking for alcohol…
Understanding causes behind substance abuse and addiction
This is a vicious cycle that needs more than a single sentence for its causes to be answered. It’s the craving all right; while the causes behind physical cravings are…
Drug in a disguise
Rambling parties, irrespective of whether inside a million-dollar mansion or in a humble basement, thrive upon the spirit. Alcohol is an eternally popular, feel-good drug with a mass acceptance while…
Opiate Detoxification – Avoid walking towards an illusive Paradise
There have been recorded weird instances of people being detected as heroin or morphine addicts through urine sample tests whereas in reality, they haven’t had even touched something even as…
A change in dietary habits triggers addiction recovery
So when we are discussing obesity, we are discussing fat buildup, a frightening phenomenon that affects more than just the midsection. But in an industrialized world, it’s tough wading past…