Age of Aquarius: Age of Holy Breath

Age of Aquarius: Age of Holy Breath “The Aquarian Age is pre-eminently a spiritual age, and the spiritual side of the great lessons that Jesus gave to the world may…

Happy ending will be collectively “realized by the coming of the Messiah”

Happy ending will be collectively “realized by the coming of the Messiah” Can Religion Save Us? Tradition, Transcendence, and Ultimate Reality An interview with Huston Smith by Jessica Roemischer WIE:…

About the Libra Woman – Sept 24 to Oct 23

The LIBRA Woman by Linda Goodman Sun Signs And so she went on taking first one side and then another and making quite a conversation of it altogether… She generally…

Transitional Times are known as Krita Yuga in the ancient Indian scrpitures The Puranas

Transitional Times are known as Krita Yuga in the ancient Indian scriptures The Puranas We are currently in what’s been called “transitional times” or the “end times”. These are the…

Understanding the concept of dimensions – 3rd | 4th | 5th Dimensions

Understanding the concept of dimensions – 3rd | 4th | 5th Dimensions Reading about the transition of humanity to higher dimensions, one may ask how can some such a thing happen…

Ascension into the Fifth Dimension – Predicted already in Nadi granth

Ascension into the Fifth Dimension – Predicted already by Nadi Granth According to ascension teachings, the earth and all beings living on the earth are in the process of shifting into…

Are you ready to transcend to higher dimensions?

Are you ready to transcend to higher dimensions? An article by Archangel Michael on the second and third wave of humanity’s ascension The change in consciousness from the 3rd dimensional…

Return to the Feminine Energies – Age of Aquarius

Return to the Feminine Energies in the Flow of the Collective Unconsciousness The Age of Aquarius represents the return to higher frequency of light and energy which vibrate faster and…

What is the basis of a natal chart and what is understood about an individual through it?

What is the basis of a natal chart and what is understood about an individual through it? In astrology, a natal chart is a stylized map of the universe with the “native”…

Why do celebrities commit suicide?!

Why do celebrities commit suicide?! Money and fame does not guarantee happiness and peace…on the contrary – it may mean developing suicidal tendencies! On one hand we witness, almost on…