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Distinct Characteristics of a Narcissistic Female

Distinct Characteristics of a Narcissistic Female It is often observed that when narcissism is discussed, it typically implies that the narcissist is male. However, it’s important to remember that women can be just as demanding, selfish, and self-centered. Narcissistic traits are not exclusive to any gender, and females can exhibit these behaviors just as strongly…

Beyond Sexual Harassment: Mental and Emotional Harassment in the Workplace

Beyond Sexual Harassment: Mental and Emotional Harassment in the Workplace In today’s world, many HR activists focus on addressing sexual harassment in the workplace. It’s a well-known issue where a senior executive, whether male or female, demands sexual favors from a subordinate in exchange for promotions or salary hikes. It’s widely accepted that this behavior…

The Importance of Marriage in a Changing World

The Importance of Marriage in a Changing World In today’s world, many individuals who have grown up in toxic familial environments may develop a deep skepticism toward the institution of marriage. This is understandable, given their experiences. However, does this mean that marriage as a whole is outdated or irrelevant? And if marriage were to…


ALL ABOUT ZARATHUSTRA & ZOROASTRIAN RELIGION Zarathustra and Zoroastrianism: Zarathustra is one of the earliest prophets, and his teachings formed the religion known as Zoroastrianism. He retreated to the mountains for spiritual answers and received revelations from the Lord Ahura Mazda. “The Gathas,” composed in the extinct Avesta language, are Zarathustra’s celestial songs and the…

Western scholars vs. Patanjali’s system on Evolution

Western scholars vs. Patanjali’s system on Evolution Western scholars attribute the elevation of lower species to higher ones to: Struggle for existence Survival of the fittest Natural selection Patanjali’s system does not advocate these as causes for the transformation of species. Patanjali asserts that transformation occurs through the “in-filling of nature” [(Sanskrit)]. This transformation is…

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