Get in Shape and Lose Extra Calories – Weekend Diet For Working Women

Diet For Working Women
Diet For Working Women

The proposed low-calorie diet (less than 1300 kcal / day), is developed specifically for weekend, it can be used during fasting days.

Three advantages of cheap diets
1. It has nothing to do with starving diets, often depleted of proteins, vitamins and minerals. The deficit of these nutrients can have bad effects on health: cause anemia, nervous disorders and exhaustion, and cardiovascular system, digestive system and kidneys diseases.

Typically, such superdiets are ineffective, they do not form skills of good nutrition: ceasing to observe them, hungry people quickly begin to gain weight back. The basic principle of a weekend diet – minimum of fats, limited number of carbohydrates, fractional diet made up of diverse, low-calorie, but rich with all necessary vitamins and minerals foods.

2. Sticking to cheap diets, you do not have to resort to laxative and diuretics: fresh vegetables and fruit juices are the best way to normalize bowels and kidneys work.

3. Weekend cheap diets, consisting of «fast» dishes – is just a discovery for today’s business women. It will not tie you to the stove, bring a lot of free time, but will not leave your family hungry. In addition, it contains many appetizing products that can bring real pleasure from the process of slimming.

Breakfasts (at choice).
1. 25 g non-sweet flakes with skim milk, banana;
2. 1 boiled egg, 2 bread with bran, a glass of warm milk;
3. Fresh fruit salad (apples, pears and a few grapes), filled with a cup of natural yogurt, a cup of coffee with milk;
4. Toast with baked tomatoes, 20 grams cheese, a cup of tea with honey.

Snacks (your choice).
1. 1 apple, a cup of coffee with milk (sweetened);
2. 2 fresh cucumbers and 50 g home-made cheese, 1 / 2 cup fresh carrot juice;
3. middle-sized orange and a small bunch of grapes;
4. half of grapefruit, pear.

Lunches (your choice).
1. Cream soup of vegetables;
2. A cup of lean beef broth;
3. A cup of chicken broth.

• 100 g boiled white chicken meat, salad of fresh cabbage, filled with vegetable oil (sunflower, corn, olive, linen), crisp bread;
• 100 g peeled shrimps, 2 middle-sized potatoes boiled in their jackets, one tablespoon mayonnaise, a piece of bread with bran;
• 150 g stewed carrots, or 100 grams peas, 100 g boiled salmon (salmon, trout), sprinkled with lemon juice, low-calorie bun.

Fruit (apple, orange, grapefruit, blackcurrant, pomegranate, plum) and vegetable (carrot, tomato) juices.

Snacks (your choice).
• fruit yogurt;
• half-grapefruit and 2 slices fresh or canned pineapple;
• 100 g fresh or frozen strawberries (raspberries, blueberries, blackberries) with sweetener;
• 100 g canned or fresh peaches.

Afternoon’s luncheon
• 50 g stewed carrots, bread, a glass of skim kefir;
• 75 g home-made cheese, 50 g boiled cauliflower, a cup of coffee with milk and sweetener;
• banana, bread with honey, a glass of tea;
• low-calorie bun with filling of vegetables or lettuce, a glass of tomato juice.

Dinners (your choice).
• 100 g lean ham with a slice of pineapple, 100 g stewed (canned) red beans, vegetable salad, filled with vegetable oil, a piece of bread with bran, pear;
• 100 g boiled chicken with grated cheese (25 g), fresh tomato, one potato in jacket, low-calorie bun (bread), a glass of tea with milk and sweetener;
• omelet of two eggs and 50 g lean ham, 25 g canned green peas, 25 g canned corn, a cup of natural yoghurt;
• 150 g boiled cod with milk sauce, 50 g stewed beet, 50 g boiled rice, a piece of bread with bran, orange.

Source – Woman’s Passions – Lifestyle Magazine.

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