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Alternative Medicine : HOMEOPATHY


Homeopathy is a form of alternative medicine based upon principles first defined by Samuel Hahnemannin 1796. A central thesis of homeopathy is that an ill person can be treated using a substance that can produce, in a healthy person, symptoms similar to those of the illness.

Practitioners select treatments according to a patient consultation that explores both the physical and psychological state or mental health of the patient, both of which are considered important to selecting the remedy. According to Hahnemann, serial dilution, with shaking between each dilution, removes the toxic effects of the substance, while the essential qualities are retained by the diluent (water, sugar, or alcohol).

During the 19th century homeopathy grew in popularity. In 1830, the first homeopathic schools opened, and throughout the 19th century dozens of homeopathic institutions appeared in Europe and the United States.

Homeopathic remedies, even if ineffective, would almost surely cause no harm, making the users of homeopathic remedies less likely to be killed by the treatment that was supposed to be helping them. The relative success of homeopathy in the 18th century may have led to the abandonment of the ineffective and harmful treatments of bloodletting and purging and to have begun the move towards more effective, science based medicine.

Some Homeopathic Medicines used by homeopathic health centers for achieving good health –

ARNICA (Mountain Daisy)
This is a highly effective medicine for a shock or trauma of any injury. ARNICA helps reduce shock, relieve pain, diminish swelling, and begin healing. It is a great medicine for injuries to muscles, especially when there is pain from overexertion.

HYPERICUM (St. John’s Wort)

For injuries to nerves or to injured parts of the body which are richly supplied with nerves (fingers, toes, the spine). Relieves sharp or shooting pains of such injuries.

URTICA URENS (stinging nettle)

For burns (stinging nettle causes a burn upon contact with the spine of the plant). URTICA URENS in external application is also helpful in diminishing the pain of the burn and in promoting healing.

It is the best medicine for puncture wounds, whether it be from a needle, a nail, or other sharp object. In the case of deep punctures or punctures from rusty nail LEDUM can be taken, it has no side-effects and it can be helpful in healing wounds and preventing tetanus.
RHUS TOX (Poison Ivy)
Medicine for certain types of skin conditions as well as for numerous other conditions. It is highly effective in the rupturing of ligaments and tendons. The most common medicine prescribed for sprains and strains.
RUTA (Rue)

Given for severe sprains where the person has a torn or wrenched tendon, split ligament, or bruised periosteum (bone covering). It is also the most common medicine prescribed for recent or old injuries to the knee or elbow.


Homeopaths, like herbalists, use SYMPHYTUM for fractures. It relieves pain and promotes rapid healing of a fracture. Besides its application in fractures, SYMPHYTUM is a great medicine for injuries to the eyeball, bones around the eyes, and the cheekbones.

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