How about Conditioning your Tresses with Natural Hair Care?

Natural Hair Care

These days’ women suffer a lot from hair problems. From hair fall to split ends, hair problems trigger out of obvious to mysterious reasons. Remember those college days when you’d envied your best friend for her shiny and healthy tresses? She looked gorgeous, absolutely stunning!!  Did you ever take time to ask her about the secret behind this? Well if you haven’t, I’d tell you why. She’d regularly condition her hair with natural hair care products. Oh God!! How many times do I need to tell you, your tresses need a portion of nature too? So what’s it like conditioning your frizzy unmanageable hair? All you need is a banana- the mighty fruit, a few teaspoonfuls of olive oil and milk.

Banana for natural hair care

Here is how you go about it with your natural hair care:

Olive oil for natural hair care

With your own hands make a smooth paste of the banana

Mix the milk with olive oil

Now blend in all the ingredients

Before applying this 100% natural paste your comb your hair. After application of the same keep it for another 15-20mminutes. Now wash it with lukewarm water and then shampoo it off. Again cleanse your hair with cold water. See you’ve got healthier and shinier hair in minutes. Nothing can beat the natural homemade products.

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