What will you do if you were to face such situations? Your four year old autistic child throwing tantrums over meals, being really non-responsive to particular manners taught by you, avoiding eye-contact, vehemently refusing to get inside the school bus and several other situations which might have turned you mad had you not been such rock-solid mentally. Being a parent to an autistic child is definitely challenging. Sometimes you might reach at your wit’s end, finding no answers at all, thinking the world has come to an end. Despite of the tiring moments to calm down your child, one day you’d think how fast time has flown by. The good parent always has time and patience to stand by his/her mentally or physically challenged kid; especially and autism case which requires immediate attention 24X7.
There are times when it seems get hard; when no matter how hard you try it all seems to in vain. Its time you need to sit back and reflect on hardship of parenting a child. it’s not about bringing up an autistic child, this can even happen with a child who is gifted with the most perfect senses in the world. You need to understand his/her feelings first. What your child likes and dislikes should be of utmost importance to you at this critical period of life. That’s how you go about managing these trivial issues.