The Body System and the National System – A Comparison

The Body System and the National System – A Comparison

Just like the body has several systems performing different and complex functions to run the body smoothly – so does a Nation have various systems with its own function specific vocation to perform.

All systems are equally important and each one is indispensable too. They work in close co-ordination with each other.

Just like the body has several systems performing different and complex functions to run the body smoothly – so does a Nation have various systems with its own function specific vocation to perform.
Just like the body has several systems performing different and complex functions to run the body smoothly – so does a Nation have various systems with its own function specific vocation to perform.

Taking India & Her struggle For Independence as an example here:

So if Mahatma Gandhi maintained his own style of non-violence & indefinite fasting, Subhas Chandra Bose created the INA and took care of the borders – plus there were several others who gave their time, money, energy, resources and above all LIFE to fight the war of independence.

Kindly try and respect the sacrifices made by them instead of discussing their private lives – esp. sex life! None of us will ever benefit from knowing the private life of a person.

Moreover during the times of ruckus, unrest where youths were dying etc. maintaining a high level of chaste life had become almost impossible! Ladies & children were beaten and raped and killed – we have all gone through that turmoil. The youths during that era were unsure whether they will be alive to watch the sun rise next day. They were humans after all and both men and women were together into this. If their sex lives had gone haywire during that period – surely they cannot be blamed for that and in fact, it is pretty much understandable as well!

We should now seriously think about how such situation should never ever arise again in future…rather than reading what some Historian found out about a Freedom fighter or a leader after 15 years of deep case study!

And if you guys think so lowly about ‘sex’ – then how come both the hard-core and soft-core porn stars are ruling over all the Billboards, TV channels, Newspapers and Magazine covers?! Or are the Historians hired for a purpose – the purpose of showing the current generation that ‘sex’ is all important and that great leaders also could not get out of their sex-starvation…so obviously it is really a futile try to evade ‘sex’ – …so let us all jump into the hell-hole of reckless sex!!

Conclusion – So dear reader – wherever you are, please spread ‘positive’ vibes around yourself. Spreading positivity is a constructive job. Utilize your life to do something constructive!

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