A very homely hair spa for you

hair spaDo you know the shine in your tress reflects your health from inside? Believe it or not the condition of hair depends much on your well being. The healthier you eat, think and sleep the more it would help your hair to grow and shine. It’s a proven fact that fatigue, pollution and ill-health take toll on your hair health. What’ll you do? Taking expert advice is of no good if you can’t afford them; in most cases the hair stylist or the expert would recommend you to taking a hair spa which would again cost you huge. Its better ask him/her for a home remedy that is just as good as the salon ones. I’ll share some inexpensive hair rejuvenating tips with you.

Hair spa

These home-made hair spa therapies are excellent for hair growth:

  • Warm coconut/olive oil with 3gm of ground black pepper. Now filter the blend and keep it aside in a bottle. Right before going to bed apply the oil on your scalp and massage it well, so that the oil reaches the roots. This stimulates hair growth.
  • Swimming in chlorine fed water is dangerous for your hair. The cucumber-egg therapy is a wonder. Squash cucumber in grinder, take an egg and olive oil. Now blend them well. Apply the mixture on your scalp and keep it for few minutes. Rinse it after an hour or so.
  • Are you suffering from dry hair? Want that old shine back? well try your hands in this. Peel a banana and squash it with your hands, mix it with avocado. Apply it thoroughly on your scalp.
  • If your hair is too frizzy you can add vodka, in eggs and an essential oil. Stir the mixture well and now apply this on your scalp and hair. See the difference after every wash.

These are great ways to have happy healthy hair.

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