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‘Jurassic Park’ – The Scariest Park in the World has re-opened in 3D after 20 years

Jurassic Park 3D

Steven Spielberg’s ‘Jurassic Park’ was the first movie in the world to make substantial use of the CGI technology in creating naturalistic and life-like creatures. This was a game-changer and revolutionized the entire concept of modern film-making. And 20 years later, it has now gone a dimension further.

As the re-release was announced a couple of months back, it was evident why the fans gave a mixed reaction. Although everyone was elated to know their favorite dinosaurs are coming back to the theaters, but they were also worried that the 3D conversion might ruin the film. However to everyone’s relief, the 3D version is just as riveting as its predecessor was.

I was expecting Spielberg to pop in the ‘Deleted Scenes’ of the original film of 1993 into this digitally-remastered version of 2013. But we don’t get to see the scene where Tim finds the stones when swallowed made the Triceratops sick or Ellie picking up an extinct plant leaf. There is no change in the story – nothing gets included nor excluded, only the bottom-line remains the same: an Amusement Park where every cloned dinosaur is on the loose. Run for your lives unless you want to get eaten.

The immediate question which might come to your mind now: Is the 3D really worth it? In my opinion, every penny! The Tyrannosaurus Rex and the Velociraptors are clearer, faster, fiercer, louder and obviously nearer. Two scenes deserve special mention – the one in which the T-Rex appears during the power failure segment and chomps the lawyer off the toilet; and the other one in which hundreds of Gallimimus dinosaurs run across an open field being chased by a T-Rex. The application of 3D technology just teleports you into the middle of the action. It makes you feel you are the next course.

‘Jurassic Park 3D’ is not awesome just because ‘Jurassic Park’ was awesome. This movie is the proof how technical magic can be used as a powerful tool to churn out the right impact, rather than using it as a gimmick just for the sake of using it.

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