I was reading Sudeep Banerjee’s blog in Search Engine Optimization on achieving ranking. He writes
“I have Small Business Owners constantly asking me this question “How do I get Ranking?“. Achieving, top Search Engine Ranking is not a destination but a journey. So, if you want to achieve high ranking for your website you need to keep adding value to it in a consistent manner. Good content is a great way to add value to your website.”
Sudeep is one of the greatest SEO minds in the nation today. As per him it is the “Quality Content” on your website that will increase the value of your website. We all look for content which is pivotal to getting your website ranked in Search Engines. Gone are the days that one would repeat keywords. With Google’s Latent Symantic Indexing taking more and more weightage placed on it, make sure you write good content.
Guys, if it too much work on your website for Search Engine Optimization and you got some extra bucks to spare hire a good SEO professional or firm. It will carry you a long way.