Health risks in premature-born young adults

A recent study has come up with the fact that premature born young adults stand at a riskier end when it comes to diseases. The researchers have studied that these individuals despite of showing normal weight rates, tend to get fatter as they grow. It often leads to numerous bad health issues like cardiac problems, diabetes and more. Bringing this issue to the limelight the British health experts studied premature-born individuals aged between 18-27 years. What they observed startled me; despite of a having normal body mass, these patient had layers of fat accumulated on different parts of their body, especially the liver, muscles and more. Preterm individuals stand a higher risk in cardiovascular problems; their metabolic system doesn’t work too properly due to layers of adipose tissues. Premature babies are often diagnosed with type-2 diabetes.

health insurance in Orange County

These children require proper care and a healthy regime to work with. Health disorders in preterm infants are growing these days. If your child is a prematurely born one, make sure you issue health insurance in Orange County, so as to give your offspring a healthy and fit life.


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