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Age of Aquarius: Age of Holy Breath

Age of Aquarius: Age of Holy Breath

“The Aquarian Age is pre-eminently a spiritual age, and the spiritual side of the great lessons that Jesus gave to the world may now be comprehended by multitudes of people, for the many are now coming into an advanced stage of spiritual consciousness;”

“Among Dowling’s manuscripts there was one called ‘The Cusp of the Ages’ describing the transfer of dominion from the Piscean Age to the Aquarian Age. It was published by Eva S. Dowling in the introduction to this gospel. Here is the description of the new era.

‘This age will be an age of splendour and of light, because it is the home of the Holy Breath; and the Holy Breath will testify anew for Christ, the Logos of the eternal Love. At first of every age this Logos is made manifest in flesh so man can see and know and comprehend a Love that is not narrow, circumscribed.’

What is the Aquarian Age?

According to Eva S. Dowling the “human race is today standing upon the cusp of the Piscean-Aquarian Ages. Aquarius is an air sign and the New Age is already noted for remarkable inventions for the use of air, electricity, magnetism, etc.

Men navigate the air as fish do the sea, and send their thoughts spinning around the world with the speed of lightning. (Internet!)

The word Aquarius is derived from the Latin word aqua, meaning water. Aquarius is however, the water bearer, and the symbol of the sign, which is the eleventh sign of the Zodiac, is a man carrying in his right hand a pitcher of water.

Jesus referred to the beginning of the Aquarian Age in these words:

And then the man who bears the pitcher will walk forth across an arc of heaven; the sign and signet of the Son of Man will stand forth in the eastern sky. The wise will then lift up their heads and know that the redemption of the earth is near.'” (Aquarian Gospel 157: 29, 30.)

The Aquarian Age is pre-eminently a spiritual age, and the spiritual side of the great lessons that Jesus gave to the world may now be comprehended by multitudes of people, for the many are now coming into an advanced stage of spiritual consciousness; so with much propriety this book is called The Aquarian (or Spiritual) Gospel of Jesus, the Christ.”

Dan Costian (Ph.D), Bible Enlightened
PublishAmerica (November 3, 2003) p. 261-2)

The gospel described the beginning of the Aquarian (= the one that bears the pitcher of water) Age as follows:

“And then the man who bears the pitcher will walk across an arc of heaven. The sign and signet of the Son of man stands forth in the eastern sky. The wise will then lift up their heads and know that the redemption of the earth is near” (157.29,30.)

And the accompanying footnote explained:

“From the beginning of this age, i.e. from this moment on, more and more people will try to understand the spirit of the Gospel instead of merely following its text. When the largest part of the human race has been penetrated by this spirit, to which this book makes its contribution, mankind will undoubtedly be in the Aquarian Age. That’s why the Aquarian Gospel was given its present title.” (Costian 1995, 261)

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