The spiritual significance of the esoteric revelation – The Way, the Truth, and the Life – John 14:6.

 The Way, the Truth, and the Life – John 14:6. Thomas said to Him, “Lord, we do not know where You are going, how do we know the way?” Jesus…

Sahaja Yoga – How to effectively spread spiritual knowledge in schools?

How to introduce Sahaja Yoga in schools? Let us discuss how we can effectively spread true spiritual knowledge especially in schools. Since I practice Sahaja Yoga (SY) and I am…

Introducing the 13th System – The Subtle System – Kundalini Energy

Introducing  The 13th System also called The Subtle System – Kundalini Energy  We have been introduced to various systems in our body since our childhood. Let us get a quick re-cap…

Personality Development – Where and how does it start?

Personality Development – Where to begin!? Hey Readers, before you start reading this article, I suggest that you read the first part of it here – Personality Development – Would…

Personality Development – Would attending PD classes change your personality?

Personality Development – How easy or difficult is it? Ok Folks, in this article I’ll share my experiences as a Soft skills and Personality Development Trainer while I was working…