Subtle Healing of Zodiac Signs – Gemini:: 2nd or Sacral Chakra
GEMINI (21 May-21 June) Ruling planet: Mercury Group: Mutable Colour: Yellow Positive characteristics: intellectual, logical, quick grasping, talented in writing and communication, talkative, joyful, full of knowledge Negative or weak…
Subtle Healing of Zodiac Signs – Taurus :: Heart Chakra
TAURUS (20 April-20 May) Ruling planet: Venus Group: Fixed Colour: Burgundy, earth colours Positive characteristics: friendly, high bearing capacity, strong willpower, developed sense of aesthetics, strong instincts, patient Negative or…
Subtle Healing of Zodiac Signs – Aries :: Root Chakra
ARIES (21 March – 19 April) Ruling planet: Mars Group: Cardinal Colour: Red Positive characteristics: brave, sincere, dynamic, freedom-lovin spontaneous, adventurous and able to take initiatives, inspires others, childlike enthusiasm…
Can we rectify our temperaments – ourselves?
Can we rectify our temperaments – ourselves? Four temperaments is a proto-psychological theory that suggests that there are four fundamental personality types: sanguine (optimistic leader-like), choleric (bad-tempered or irritable), melancholic…
What are the qualities of planets?
What are the qualities of planets?? About Classical Planets: The seven classical planets are those easily seen with the naked eye, and were thus known to ancient astrologers. They are the Sun,…
What is the basis of a natal chart and what is understood about an individual through it?
What is the basis of a natal chart and what is understood about an individual through it? In astrology, a natal chart is a stylized map of the universe with the “native”…
On Human Evolution: The Seven Life-Force Energy Centers
The Seven Life-Force Energy Centers That Takes Us To The Next Level Of Human Evolution Life-Force Energy Centers or “Chakra” is a Sanskrit word literally meaning “wheel.” These centers were named as…
A Holistic Approach To Overcome Stress
How to overcome stress? Medical science has nothing to offer to combat the dreadful effects of stress except tranquilizers, habit forming toxic drugs, etc. Every and any event we face…
What happens when our dormant spiritual energy awakens?
Enlightenment! Alternatively we can ask: What Happens When The Kundalini Reaches The Sahasrara? When Kundalini reaches Sahasrara, the lotus petals open and enlightenment (samadhi) takes place. You may feel a…
The 3 Energy Channels or Pathways to Ascent
The 3 Energy Channels – Ida, Pingla & Sushumna The three Energy Pathways or channels that we possess at our subtle level are: Left Sympathetic Nervous System is called the Ida…