Astrological Significance: Last Supper Zodiac Signs

Astrological Significance: Last Supper Zodiac Signs Last Supper on Da Vince’s Perspectives The Last Supper is an event related to the texts of the News Testament; that reports the last…

“The Mystical Marriage” where Spirit and matter become ONE – PINEAL GLAND

“The Mystical Marriage” where Spirit and matter become ONE. The “All Seeing Eye” is the third eye or the spiritual eye. It is a gland located within the center of…

Create a manifestation mandala to bring your goals into reality – June-Elleni Laine

Create a manifestation mandala to bring your goals into reality – June-Elleni Laine June-Elleni Laine ( who writes for Spirit and Destiny shows how to create a manifestation mandala to bring…

Unlock the Healing Power of the Mandala – Evolve.

Unlock the Healing Power of the Mandala – Evolve. A Mandala represents wholeness, a cosmic diagram reminding us of our relation to infinity, extending beyond and within our bodies and minds. The…

Return to the Feminine Energies – Age of Aquarius

Return to the Feminine Energies in the Flow of the Collective Unconsciousness The Age of Aquarius represents the return to higher frequency of light and energy which vibrate faster and…

How did the Age of Aquarius enter popular culture?

How did the Age of Aquarius enter popular culture?   The Age of Aquarius in the U.S. is associated with the hippies of the 1960s and ’70s, and now with…

What does Age of Aquarius mean?

What does Age of Aquarius mean? “What lies ahead for Humanity? With all the problems we have, it’s hard to believe our future is bright. Inflation and recession, environmental deterioration,…

Your All Round Personality Development – Is possible from scratch!

Your All Round Personality Development – Is possible from scratch!  Yes folks, what you just read in the topic is true! Whatever you are, whoever you are, whatever is your…

How to improve World Health?

How to improve World Health? The topic should be ideally – How to improve world health, wealth, vitality and well-being …plus much more!! You must have read my previous write…

What Happens When You Meditate?

What Happens When You Meditate? Hi Readers, If you have been following my write-ups, you must be aware that I am a Sahaja Yoga Practitioner and most of my knowledge is…