KRITTIKA NAKSHATRA or Eta Tauri Krittika is ruled by Agni, the God of Fire. This is the third nakshatra of the zodiac, spanning 26°-40′ in Mesha (Aries) to 10°-00′…
BHARANI NAKSHATRA or 35 Arietis Bharani, means “The Bearing Star“, also known as “The Star of Restraint“. Bharani is ruled by Yama, the God of Death. This is the second…
ASHWINI NAKSHATRA Or The Beta Arietis Ashwini is the first nakshatra of the zodiac having a spread from 0°-0′-0″ to 13°-20′ and is ruled by the node Ketu. Ashwini is…
Know about Nakshatra or constellation or lunar mansions
Know about Nakshatra or constellation or lunar mansions A constellation is a group of stars which form a fixed pattern. The zodiac according to Indian Astrology comprises of 360 degrees. There are…
How your star sign can affect your mood, energy and well being
How your star sign can affect your mood, energy and well being Would you believe that there was a time when doctors studied astrology and used birth charts to diagnose,…
The PISCES Child – Feb 20th to March 20th
The PISCES Child – He came straight from fairyland, clutching a moonbeam. Most babies, as everyone knows, were found under a cabbage leaf. A few are carried in that long…
Something unprecedented in our world will happen soon- Age of Aquarius
The Age of Pisces is over. Pisces values are being wiped out, causing unprecedented change and upheaval in our lifetime. And we’re not done yet. The Piscean values of money, power…
Astrological Significance: Last Supper Zodiac Signs
Astrological Significance: Last Supper Zodiac Signs Last Supper on Da Vince’s Perspectives The Last Supper is an event related to the texts of the News Testament; that reports the last…
Return to the Feminine Energies – Age of Aquarius
Return to the Feminine Energies in the Flow of the Collective Unconsciousness The Age of Aquarius represents the return to higher frequency of light and energy which vibrate faster and…
How did the Age of Aquarius enter popular culture?
How did the Age of Aquarius enter popular culture? The Age of Aquarius in the U.S. is associated with the hippies of the 1960s and ’70s, and now with…