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Fashion Magazine – Brutally Bitter Truth Revealed!

Fashion Magazine – Brutally Bitter Truth revealed! Fashion magazines can have a negative effect on women’s self esteem – research has shown that. All those slim models with perfect make-up can provoke some unhealthy behaviors – like women starving themselves to become what they think society considers ‘beautiful’. But those magazine images don’t just affect…

On Human Evolution: The Seven Life-Force Energy Centers

The Seven Life-Force Energy Centers That Takes Us To The Next Level Of Human Evolution (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Life-Force Energy Centers or “Chakra” is a Sanskrit word literally meaning “wheel.”  These centers were named as such because of the circular shape to the spinning energy centers which exist in our subtle etheric body, the non-material…

ALKALINE DIET – Eliminate Fatigue and Regain Your Energy

Why go for Alkaline Diet? According to World Health Organization (WHO), health is the state of well-being-  physically, mentally, emotionally,  socially & finally spiritually! This description considers the human health as a whole, and states: “you are healthy, if you are balanced as a whole.” Our physical body, spiritual state, and mental activity influence each…

A Holistic Approach To Overcome Stress

How to overcome stress? (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Medical science has nothing to offer to combat the dreadful effects of stress except tranquilizers, habit forming toxic drugs, etc. Every and any event we face can bring us into a challenging and a threatening situation. Thus stress is an inner reaction rather than an outer…

What happens when our dormant spiritual energy awakens?

Enlightenment! (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Alternatively we can ask: What Happens When The Kundalini Reaches The Sahasrara? When Kundalini reaches Sahasrara, the lotus petals open and enlightenment (samadhi) takes place. You may feel a powerful pulsation in the crown of the head, followed by a melting sensation and a flow of cool vibrations from…

The 3 Energy Channels or Pathways to Ascent

The 3 Energy Channels – Ida, Pingla & Sushumna The three Energy Pathways or channels that we possess at our subtle level are: Left Sympathetic Nervous System is called the Ida Nadi & looks after our past. Right Sympathetic Nervous System is called the Pingala Nadi & looks after our future. Parasympathetic Nervous System is called the Sushumna…

Yoga – The Mechanism of Epistemological Breakthrough

What does the term ‘Yoga’ actually mean? Yoga literally means “Union”. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); The Union referred to is between the conscious mind through the subtle mechanism placed in our bodies comprising energy centers (chakras), plexuses (nadis) and energy itself in a dormant form which is referred t as the ‘serpent power /…

How Energy Centers and Glands Work Together

How Energy Centers or Chakras and Glands Work Together Disturbances in the subtle energy of the chakras translate into physical manifestation and symptoms who are likely associated with the corresponding glands and organs. It is not to say that chakras are physical or physiological in nature. They are considered as energy centers that influence our…

The relation between Energy Centers & Endocrine System

The relation between Energy Centers & Endocrine System Commonly, each of the body’s basic seven chakras or energy centers is associated with specific locations on the body, such as the heart, the throat, or the crown of the head (see image) . But when you look at a chakra chart, you don’t see the underlying…

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